Growth and development
Growing is a unique journey: our products support you throughout this extraordinary adventure.

Growing well to be well
Growth is a journey that begins at conception and lasts until puberty. During this wonderful journey, children acquire new motor, language and interaction skills and acquire a physical as well as mental makeup, laying the foundations for their health in adulthood. Growth and development are regulated by hereditary and hormonal factors and are supported by a proper diet and a serene family and environmental setting.

Food supplementation
The diet allows the body to assimilate and use nutrients in order to ensure the normal function of the various organs and systems and optimal growth. A healthy diet must provide the child with macronutrients (proteins, sugars and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) according to the specific nutritional needs of the various age groups. Food supplementation provides a great opportunity for supporting the optimal growth of children as it allows any nutrient deficiencies to be corrected.

Vitamin D
At Buona, we are able to ensure all children receive adequate nutritional intake of vitamin D. Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients at all stages of growth because it is essential for the development of bone mass and for supporting the function of the immune system.

Vitamin D… and not only
Our catalogue includes age-specific products based only on vitamin D, but also in combination with other nutrients that can be used by the medical profession in the presence of specific health and growth conditions.
Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency is a very frequent condition throughout a child’s development. Especially in the first years of life, children are exposed to the risk of vitamin D deficiency because the foods they are fed, such as mother's milk, are low in vitamin D, and because of social habits that often involve spending a long time indoors, preventing exposure to sunlight, which is essential for the body to produce vitamin D.