Sleep and anxiety

Sleep and anxiety

Our solutions for a good night’s sleep and peaceful waking.


Sleeping peacefully

Sleep is the foundation of children's growth and is essential for their mental and physical development. Furthermore, sleeping well enhances attention and learning skills and helps children and families deal with school and sporting commitments with peace of mind, have a normal social life and consequently a good quality of life.

Rules and good habits

Rules and good habits

Good habits and adhering to behavioural rules are the basis of the quality of sleep and control of children’s emotions. We have developed natural products that can be combined with good habits and behaviours, when these alone are not enough, so as to prevent small ailments from turning into actual disorders.

Sleep disorders and anxiety

Sleep disorders and anxiety

Our products use melatonin, 5-hydroxytryptophan, theanine and magnesium, either alone or in specific combinations, to manage states of agitation and sleep disorders such as difficulty falling asleep, nocturnal awakenings and sleep disturbed by anxiety.

Evidence and research

Evidence and research

In addition to being based on natural substances supported by literature in terms of effectiveness and safety of use in children, the products are the subject of study by national centres of reference for child neuropsychiatry.

Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders in children can occur at different ages; in early childhood, falling asleep and frequent awakenings, parasomnias (for example sleep terrors or confusional arousals) or sleep breathing disorders (for example obstructive apnoea syndrome) predominate, while disorders resulting from incorrect lifestyles or by states of agitation may occur in later years.

States of agitation, migraine, headache and recurrent abdominal pain

The states of agitation have different manifestations depending on age. In the first years of life they are caused by separation anxiety (e.g. kindergarten), at school age by generalised fears, anxieties about school and sports performance, and difficulties in relating to others. The persistence of fears and agitation may give rise to psychosomatic disorders such as headaches and stomach aches.
